A butter mould carved in the shape of a...
Large, canoe-shaped butter print carved with...
A butter mould carved in the form of a cow,...
Small butter print decorated with an acorn...
Butter print with beehive pattern, 19th century
Circular butter print decorated with a hexagon,...
Circular butter print decorated with thistles,...
Circular butter print decorated with flowers...
Two canoe-shaped butter prints, decorated with...
A 'Dead Man's Penny' -...
Page from a book entitled 'A Complete...
'Sion a Sian' weather cottage, early...
'A Complete Illustration of the Celestial...
Peithynen or wooden book, 1876
Minuature silver bardic chair from Birkenhead...
Bardic Crown from Birkenhead Eisteddfod, 1931
Afghan Medal awarded to General Sir William...
'Maen Glain' - a mystic glass...
Horse hair: a charm against witches
Pierced potato: a protection against the evil...
Lovespoon with marquetry circle and carved...
Lovespoon featuring horse and rider, 19th century
Lovespoon with carved with horses and carriages...
A Love Token - Carved Staybusk, 18th century
Lovespoon decorated with carved animal heads,...